Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Homosexuality in Canada - 1783 Words

Research Paper Outline: Homosexuality in Canada Introduction Invention is the greatest idea of our time. Whether it is medical, scientific, social, or mechanical, a new invention of the day seems to be part of our everyday lives. Homosexuality is really no different. It may not be your everyday invention, but it clearly is and people throughout time to try and identify the first â€Å"known homosexual† in time. Some people wanted this new idea of homosexuality to just go away, but as time has gone on, it will not be going away anytime soon. It is getting to be more prominent in society and this paper takes the stand that in Canada especially, homosexuality is not seen by society overall as something different. Of course it is still not†¦show more content†¦* Legislation passed July of 1977; did not become effective until April 1st, 1978. * June 1996: demand regarding equal employment and promotion at all government levels for homosexuals amended in the Canadian Human Rights Act. * Largest of all demands took several years to ob tain for all provinces. It regarded an amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to read sexual orientation as something an individual could not be discriminated against. * December 1977, Quebec was the first province to issue this amendment, with Ontario becoming the second province in 1986. * Yukon and Manitoba amended in 1987, and Nova Scotia amended in 1991. * New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia all switched in 1992; Newfoundland had their amendment read in 1995. * Alberta was forced in April of 1998 to prohibit anti-gay discrimination. Canadian Perceptions Today Studies: * June 2001, Leger Marketing and Canadian Press performed telephone interviews with 1507 English and French speaking Canadians over 18 years old on their views of homosexuality. * Approximately 77% of Canadians polled felt homosexuals were just like everyone else; 76% felt that homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals. * 65% of Canadians would allow homosexuals access to marriage, 53% would allow them the right to adopt. * Women, approximately 25-34, who were UniversityShow MoreRelatedThe Immigration And Refugee Application1016 Words   |  5 PagesToylan Zelinski (â€Å"our client†), a Ukraine national, has applied for refugee status based on his homosexuality. A few days ago, Ukraine State authorities convicted our client, in absentia, for engaging in homosexual activities. 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